Wednesday, 21 March 2012

FW: HEA STEM Conference and Student Competition

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16 March 2012

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Dear Colleagues

We have a limited number of places available for HEA STEM's first Annual Conference at Imperial College London & the Royal Geographical Society 12 – 13 April, and have already over 150 delegates registered.  If you would like to attend please register soon at;

As part of HEA STEM's first Annual Conference we are running a student competition.  Our aim is to encourage students to think about why they are following their current course of study and to encourage others to consider the same.  We would be grateful if you could distribute the following to your students.

The STEM team at the Higher Education Academy invites students from the STEM disciplines to submit a photograph or digital image that captures the essence/excitement of your subject and might motivate others to study it.

All submissions will be displayed at the HEA STEM Annual Conference in poster format and the images will be judged by the delegates of the STEM conference.

The winner will be awarded a £250 book token and invited to attend the Higher Education Academy National Annual Conference in July 2012 (all expenses paid), where the prize will be awards to the winner and the other discipline winners at the conference dinner.

Submissions must be emailed to by 1 April 2012 (extended deadline).

Kindest regards


Karen Fraser

Academic Development Officer STEM  

+44 (0)1904 717500            M +44 (0)7720 968853 

HEA STEM has created this mailing list to keep you informed of the opportunities we are offering to the STEM community, both academics and students, in the upcoming weeks.  This short newsletter will be sent every two weeks, if you would prefer not to receive it please click unsubscribe and type unsubscribe into the subject line.



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