Tuesday, 27 March 2012

FW: DRAW Workshop: teaching reflection in Higher Education



Dear all,


Teaching and assessing Reflection in Higher Education

The DRAW[1] Project: a systematic, cross faculty approach.


A 'leading edge' workshop: Ormond Council Chamber,

Manchester Metropolitan University, All Saints Campus, Monday 2nd July 2012.


Further details and a booking form are attached to this email. If you have any queries, or are looking to book, then email me – Daniel Brookes – at Daniel@recordingachievement.org – or telephone Cath or I for a chat on 01942 826761. With speakers from the Queensland University of Technology, this day-long event promises to be a really illuminating experience!


Yours sincerely

Daniel Brookes




Daniel Brookes

Adminstrator (Website & Development)

Centre For Recording Achievement

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[1]        Developing Reflective Approaches to Writing

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