Wednesday, 28 March 2012

FW: Academy Update - March 2012

HEA update including up-coming events and workshops


From: The Higher Education Academy []
Sent: 28 March 2012 12:10
Subject: Academy Update - March 2012


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Academy Update

March 2012

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This is a regular bulletin from the Higher Education Academy about our activities, services, resources and publications, funding opportunities and forthcoming events.

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1. First HEA policy 'think tank' focuses on ESD

The HEA held its first policy think tank, designed to facilitate the discussion of significant themes in UK higher education. The think tank was dedicated to education for sustainable development (ESD) and focused on the green economy and graduate attributes for the 21st century.

2. HEA Chief Executive gives evidence on STEM subjects at House of Lords

On 6 March 2012 HEA Chief Executive, Professor Craig Mahoney, accompanied by Dr Janet de Wilde, HEA Head of STEM, gave oral evidence to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee inquiry into higher education in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

3. HEA round table debate at Guardian HE Summit

Hosted by Professor Stephanie Marshall, the HEA's Deputy Chief Executive (Research and Policy), the topic discussed was 'The future of teaching and learning: how will UK HE differentiate its student experience over the next ten years?' A follow-up story about the round table will be published on 17 April.

4. HEA appoints Deputy Chief Executive (academic)

The HEA has appointed Professor Philippa Levy as Deputy Chief Executive (academic). Professor Levy will lead the HEA's initiatives to enhance learning and teaching in higher education.

5. HEA opens call for new internationalisation change programme

The HEA has opened submissions (deadline 16 April) for its change programme dedicated to the theme of internationalisation. The new programme is designed to help institutions develop a culture of internationalisation at all levels of practice and enhance the quality of learning and teaching experiences for all students, both home and international.

6. Call opens for new change programme, Students as partners

Institutional teams, made up of at least 50% students, are invited to submit proposals to join the Students as partners change programme. The programme is an HEA joint initiative with Birmingham City University. Deadline for submissions is 30 April 2012.

7. Nominations sought for 'HEA Psychology Technician of the Year' 2012

The HEA, in collaboration with the Association for Technical Staff in Psychology (ATSiP), is sponsoring an annual award for a psychology technician who has provided outstanding support for the student learning experience in their department. Closing date for nominations is midnight on 23 May 2012.

8. Early bird bookings open for HEA Annual Conference

Delegates can now book their place at the HEA's eighth Annual Conference, which will focus on the theme of Great expectations: are you ready? Confirmed speakers include Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor at The Open University, Ewart Wooldridge CBE, Chief Executive of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, and Sir Alan Langlands, Chief Executive of HEFCE.

9. Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) – participating institutions announced

A record number of 85 UK higher education institutions will take part in PTES 2012. PTES is a unique survey managed by the HEA which collects feedback from current taught postgraduates to inform enhancements to the student learning experience.

10. HEA supports Wales Initiative for Student Engagement (WISE)

Further education institutions have now signed up to a commitment to make sure that students on their higher education courses are more involved in influencing their time at college. WISE was set up in 2009 to ensure that students in universities played an active role in shaping their higher education experience.

11. Call for papers, 10th Annual e-Learning Conference, 4 July 2012, University of Greenwich

Submissions are invited for this year's conference, Employer engagement in a digital age. Sponsored by the HEA, this conference will explore the complex interaction between higher education, employers and technology in an international digital workplace. The closing date for proposals is 2 April 2012.


Publications, resources and funding

12. Flexible Learning report published

This evaluation of the HEFCE-funded flexible learning Pathfinder projects, published by the HEA, reports that the performance of students who took part in two-year accelerated degree programmes was comparable to that of three-year degree students.

13. Latest Annual Report published

The HEA's most recent Annual Report is now available to download. The report features the impact of our work across HE communities including lecturers, institutions, students and disciplines during the 2010-11 academic year, as well as our plans for the future and work in partnership with other higher education organisations.

14. Discussion paper published on male access to higher education

The HEA has published this discussion paper about the access, retention and attainment of male students in higher education. It provides an overview of national data and research, and highlights some institutional strategies designed to address the barriers thought to account for lower rates of participation and success of male students.

15. Pedagogy for employability

This guide is a revised version of the publication first published in 2006 which offered guidance to staff involved in the enhancement of student employability. This publication has been updated with the practitioner in mind.

16. Inclusive curriculum design in higher education (2011): considerations for effective practice across and within subject areas

This guidance was commissioned to support the higher education sector to think creatively about, and implement, inclusive curriculum design from a generic as well as subject or disciplinary perspective.

17. The Gwella Programme: Enhancing learning and teaching through technology in Welsh higher education 2008-11

This publication details the Gwella programme, institutional enhancement activities, and the HEFCW indicators of success.

18. HEA opens call for collaborative teaching development grants

The HEA has opened the call for the third phase of its teaching development grants scheme which, in total, will see over £1.5 million of funding being made available for individual grants, departmental grants and collaborative grants. Deadline for submission is 22 April 2012.

19. Invitation to tender: Four new pieces of HEA research

The HEA is inviting tenders for four major new research projects. The deadline for submissions is 2 April 2012.



20. Multi-platform OER in Mathematics, Statistics and Numeracy for all numerate disciplines, 10 April 2012, Newcastle University

This workshop is a practical hands-on introduction to the creation and dissemination of electronic Open Educational Resources in mathematics, statistics and numeracy. It is aimed at all in numerate disciplines who want to create such material and make it available to as wide an audience as possible.

21. A student-centred approach to developing the content, delivery, and assessment of research process modules: Insights and evaluations of student retention, 11 April 2012, Cardiff Metropolitan University

The aims of this event include to share experiences of developing the content, delivery, and assessment of modules through student feedback, and to provide insight from current students and staff about their experiences.

22. Supporting the transition to teaching health care in higher education, 18-19 April 2012, Park Inn, Cardiff

The HEA is running this two-day residential event that will support academic staff who may be new to teaching in higher education, or who may be in the transition from clinical practice to the academic environment.

23. New places to learn: Flexible learning and online residency, 19 April 2012, Saïd Business School, Oxford

This one-day symposium will explore how technologies and the internet have opened up new 'places' in which learning can happen, how students learn in these 'places' and in what ways might, or should, institutions respond.

24. The land of make believe: Creating the enterprising marketing graduate with distinctive skills and attributes, 19 April 2012, University of Glamorgan

The overall focus of this session will be the concept of the 'enterprising university'. It will also explore evidence-based approaches being used at Glamorgan Business School, and will share results of research into student perceptions of a range of initiatives, which will be showcased.

25. Inaugural Future Directions conference – Graduates For Our Future, 26 April 2012, Glyndwr University

The HEA in Wales is leading this conference to showcase the first Wales-wide quality enhancement theme – Graduates For Our Future, and its three work strands: students as partners; learning in employment; and learning for employment.

26. Workplace-based learning in action: Developing the UK research network, 9 May 2012, Cardiff University

This seminar will focus on bringing together UK researchers investigating the relationships between students, doctors and patients within workplace-based learning activities, eg bedside teaching encounters (BTEs).

27. Surveys for enhancement conference, 17 May 2012, National College for School Leadership, Nottingham

This conference will bring together research and practice on the use of student surveys for quality enhancement. Among other topics, sessions will address the use of qualitative data, methods of developing and measuring student engagement, and institutional experiences of surveying postgraduate students.

28. Internationalisation seminar series, 10 May-19 October 2012

The dates for the seminars on the theme of internationalisation have been announced. The series includes 10 seminars ranging from supporting international students through an integrated approach to student engagement with international curriculum development.

29. Teaching Islamic Studies in Wales, 11 May 2012, Aberystwyth University

This cross-disciplinary workshop will bring together teachers of Islamic Studies from a wide range of disciplines (eg Theology and Religious Studies, History, Politics, Literature, Sociology, Anthropology, Law, Business and Finance) from higher education institutions in Wales. It is open to both specialists and non-specialists who teach on modules related to Islam.

30. New to teaching workshop series: Strategies to enhance learning and teaching for home and international students, 17 May-27 June 2012

A series of workshops will be held in four regional locations for staff new to teaching who have students from a range of cultural and educational backgrounds. Participants will be asked to think about their own expectations and to compare them with alternative views and interpretations of commonly experienced teaching situations.

31. Supporting students' reflections through a specific multi-institutional PDP change programme, 23 May 2012, Edinburgh

This event will showcase the impact of the ScotPID change programme and the outcomes of the various institutional projects. It will highlight a number of institutional change models, provide an opportunity for structured reflection, and give focus for future development activity. ScotPID was a major HE PDP and e-portfolio institutional change programme tailored for the Scottish sector and supported by a partnership of the HEA, QAA Scotland and the Centre for Recording Achievement (CRA).

32. HEA Social Sciences Annual Conference 2012: Ways of knowing, ways of learning, 28-29 May 2012, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Liverpool

This conference will provide the opportunity for the Social Science community to come together to address the concerns and issues being generated by current developments to teaching and learning in the HE sector.

33. HEAR here? Developing a Scottish solution, 29 May 2012, Edinburgh

This practice-focused event will identify the opportunities and challenges that implementing a successful Higher Education Achievement Report within the overall guidance framework could bring to institutions. It will explore the importance of Scottish, UK, and European synergy, whilst ensuring that the HEAR can best reflect the ethos and needs of individual institutions and their students.

34. The HEA Arts and Humanities Annual Conference 2012: Pedagogies of hope and opportunity, 29-30 May 2012, Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow

Unprecedented changes in UK higher education have placed Arts and Humanities subjects under particular scrutiny and pressure. This conference will celebrate the Arts and Humanities in higher education and highlight and share the many creative and innovative ways in which courses, and those who teach and study them, are meeting the serious and complex challenges confronting them.

35. HEA Health Sciences Annual Conference 2012: Innovation, simulation and the evolution of technology-enhanced learning, 31 May 2012, East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham

This conference will bring together over 200 health science professionals and speakers from across the UK to explore the latest and most inventive use of technology to enhance Nursing, Medicine, Health, Dentistry and Veterinary medicine education.

36. Employer engagement in HE: Building for the future, 14 June 2012, The Studio, Manchester

The HEA is presenting this one-day conference on behalf of HEFCE, which will celebrate the many successes of recent HE workforce development projects as well as anticipate ways of supporting transition in the future. It will also provide an opportunity to reflect on the learning achieved and the challenges emerging in the new landscape.

37. National Law Students Forum, 20-21 June 2012, Nottingham Trent University

The theme of the third National Law Students Forum, hosted by Nottingham Law School and the HEA is employability. Law Departments are invited to nominate one student to attend.

38. Using simulation to encourage a more inter professional approach to health care education, 22 June 2012, Glyndwr University Wrexham

The main focus of this workshop will be to demonstrate how simulation and its use of high fidelity technology can enhance the development of the technical and non-technical skills of the health care professional, thus improving communication between teams working with secondary care.

39. Believe and achieve: Supporting achievement through the co-curriculum, 27 June 2012, University of Wales, Newport

This event is being hosted as part of the HEA workshop and seminar series 2012. The seminar will identify key development themes in supporting the co-curricular student experience to enhance retention and success and to provide opportunities to discuss potential collaborative opportunities.



About the Higher Education Academy

The HEA is a national body for enhancing learning and teaching in higher education in the UK. We work with institutions across the HE system to help bring about change in learning and teaching to improve the outcomes for students. We do this by recognising and rewarding excellent teaching, bringing together people and resources to research and share best practice and by helping influence, shape and implement policy.

The HEA supports staff in higher education throughout their career from those who are new to teaching through to senior management. We offer services in 28 disciplines and throughout the UK, and have offices in England, Wales and Scotland. Through the partnership management team we work directly with institutions to understand individual circumstances and priorities and bring together resources to meet them.

Owned by Universities UK and Guild HE, the HEA is funded by the four national funding councils, institutional subscriptions and project income.

The Higher Education Academy, Company Limited by Guarantee Registered Number 4931031. Registered Office: The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR, United Kingdom. Registered as Charity Number 1101607.

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