Friday, 23 March 2012

FW: HEA Business Education Events


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Business Education Events and Workshops

April 2012

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Welcome to our Events and Workshops briefing guide. Below you will find links to upcoming Conferences, events and one-day workshops that are of interest to Business educators. You can now book onto our 2012 HEA Conferences – details below. In addition, you will find many free-to-attend one day workshops on a range of teaching and learning issues. For travel to these events, apply for our HEA Travel Grant.

Please note: Each event is hyperlinked, so click on the event title for more details and booking arrangements.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like further information or would like to hold a workshop at your institution.


Richard Atfield

Discipline Lead: Business, Management

Lyn Bibbings

Discipline Lead: Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism

Lynn Vos

Discipline Lead: Marketing

Interim Discipline Lead: Economics, Accounting and Finance




Social Science cluster conference: Ways of knowing, ways of learning, 28 – 29 May 2012, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Liverpool.

Bookings are now open for this conference, which is on the theme of how students learn in social sciences. The conference will include sessions on:

• problem-based learning;

• simulations and games;

• technology-enhanced learning;

• inquiry-based learning;

• active learning;

• experiential learning;

• pre-placement and placement learning;

• work-based learning.

Cost for subscribing institutions: £50 for two-day conference, conference dinner, accommodation and breakfast.


New-to-teaching workshops in business education

These two workshops will bring together new and aspiring academics in all business-related disciplines to discuss common challenges and ways to manage them. Further details and registration can be found through the links below:


HEA annual conference, 3- 4 July 2012, University of Manchester

The title for the 8th Annual Conference of the Higher Education Academy is 'Great Expectations – are you ready?' Early bird booking rate available until 13 April.

Delegates can now book their place at the HEA's eighth Annual Conference, which will focus on the theme of Great expectations: are you ready? Confirmed speakers include Martin Bean, Vice-Chancellor at The Open University, Ewart Wooldridge CBE, Chief Executive of the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, and Sir Alan Langlands, Chief Executive of HEFCE.


Business-related seminars and workshops

These free-to-attend seminars and workshops across the UK have been organised at institutions across the UK and funded as part of the HEA's discipline workshop and seminar series.

The land of make believe: Creating the enterprising marketing graduate with distinctive skills and attributes, 19 April 2012, University of Glamorgan

The overall focus of this session will be the concept of the Enterprising University. The session will also explore evidence-based approaches being used at Glamorgan Business School, and will share results of research into student perceptions of a range of initiatives, which will be showcased.

Sustainable internationalisation in HE: Taking the agenda forward in business education, 12 April, Leeds Metropolitan University

The event will disseminate outcomes of the recently conducted critical review of internationalisation practice and research within the BMAF subject community. The workshop will focus attention on appreciating what works, envisioning the possibilities arising from this and engaging in dialogue so as to enhance the international/intercultural dimensions of the student learning experience.

Inspired by London 2012: Embedding the business of sport into the curriculum, 4 May 2012, Middlesex University

This seminar, organised by students, invites attendees to share their experiences with action-led projects based on the Olympics and other sporting events that develop and enhance students' employability skills. It will share the experience of how a student-led, international events project led to Middlesex being awarded the Inspired by London 2012 Olympics kitemark.

Using simulations to enhance students' real-world learning experiences in marketing: SimVenture & Markstrat , 14 May 2012, Southampton Solent University

The workshop is aimed at academics considering using, or are relatively new to using, simulations within marketing/business courses. It will share simulation game practice and experience; facilitate discussion of the pedagogic value of simulations in developing students' real–world learning experiences, cognitive and key skills; and provide information on using and assessing simulations.

Students as enquirers: work ready graduates, 17 May 2012, University of Hertfordshire

This workshop develops the student as producer theme and explores how students can develop their employability and leadership skills by effectively co-creating their own learning experience through collaboration with staff and local communities. The workshop will showcase eight exemplars of student enquirers and the projects they have done with the local community.

Win-win: Developing management competencies in first-year students through real-life business-community engagement projects, 11th June 2012, Bournemouth University

The workshop will equip participants with the skills to confidently plan and manage activity-based student learning experiences through Business Community Engagement (BCE) events. The workshop will also demonstrate the benefits that such engagement can bring to the University through stronger relationships with local businesses, developing a pool of willing guest speakers, and links with important local charities.

Student teamwork in learning, teaching and assessment: Joys, frustrations and ideas for practice, 20 June 2012, University of Wolverhampton

This workshop will focus on the use of student group (team) work in learning, teaching and assessment. Coverage will include the advantages, difficulties and potential mechanisms for overcoming potential problems. Content will include dissemination of the outcomes of a study into different methodologies for overcoming freeriding in assessed group work, and the use of fundraising group work to enable students to experience enterprise and evaluate entrepreneurship potential.


Thematic seminars and workshops

The HEA is running 40+ of workshop and seminars in the thematic areas of assessment and feedback, retention and success and internationalisation. Each seminar will be hosted and delivered by an HE institution and will focus on aspects of learning and teaching. Details of the 2012 series are now available.


Other HEA-funded events of discipline relevance

Association of Business Schools and HEA learning and teaching conference: Innovation in challenging times, 24-25 April 2012, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School and Mercure Manchester Piccadilly Hotel

Building on the work of the BMAF and HLTS subject centre conferences of previous years, ABS are partnering with the HEA, Manchester Metropolitan University Business School and the British Academy of Management (BAM) to provide a forum for exchange of excellence in teaching practice and pedagogic research.

Inaugural future directions conference: Graduates for our future, 26 April 2012, Glyndwr University

The main focus of the conference will be to showcase the first Wales-wide quality enhancement theme –'Graduates for Our Future', and its three work strands: students as partners; learning in employment; and learning for employment.

Council for Hospitality Management Education annual conference: Further, higher, stronger, 9-10 May 2012, University College Birmingham and IET Birmingham Austin Court Conference Centre

The 21st CHME conference will be structured around three main panel themes: cultural and critical studies in hospitality; developments in hospitality and tourism research; and research and practice in teaching, learning and assessment.

British Accounting and Finance Association accounting education Special Interest Group conference, 21-23 May 2012, University of Sheffield

This three-day Annual Conference is sponsored by the professional bodies and by Accounting Education: An International Journal. Full-time PhD students whose theses are in the accounting education area are offered a highly discounted conference fee. Sponsorship from the Higher Education Academy Discipline funds also allows for a limited number of free conference places each year for BAFA members who are new to accounting education research.

The effective use of learning environments in the development of project managers, 20 June 2012, University of Coventry

The session will focus on the design, management, impact and use of a variety of learning environments for increasing the effectiveness of project management education. The objectives are to understand how to effectively arrange learning environments, gain knowledge about how academics can work effectively with estates departments and see how physical and virtual learning environments can be used to promote effective project management learning.

Academy of Marketing conference - Marketing: Catching the technology wave, 2–5 July 2012, Southampton Management School

Marketing activities play a central role in delivering value to both customers and shareholders and digital technology plays a significant part in this. So where are the conceptual models that fit this reality? Where is the academic research that makes sense of this digital tidal wave? AM2012 will consider these issues and more.



About the Higher Education Academy

The HEA is a national body for enhancing learning and teaching in higher education in the UK. We work with institutions across the HE system to help bring about change in learning and teaching to improve the outcomes for students. We do this by recognising and rewarding excellent teaching, bringing together people and resources to research and share best practice and by helping influence, shape and implement policy.

The HEA supports staff in higher education throughout their career from those who are new to teaching through to senior management. We offer services in 28 disciplines and throughout the UK, and have offices in England, Wales and Scotland. Through the partnership management team we work directly with institutions to understand individual circumstances and priorities and bring together resources to meet them.

Owned by Universities UK and Guild HE, the HEA is funded by the four national funding councils, institutional subscriptions and project income.

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The Higher Education Academy, Company Limited by Guarantee Registered Number 4931031. Registered Office: The Higher Education Academy, Innovation Way, York Science Park, Heslington, York, YO10 5BR, United Kingdom. Registered as Charity Number 1101607.

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