Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Fwd: Full programme announced - ‘The impact of e-Assessment on Qualifications, Awarding and Certification’ 10th Annual e-Assessment Question conference and exhibition’

The e-Assessment-Question 2012
Conference and Exhibition London, 21st and 22nd March 2012

We are delighted to give details of the full programme for this years e-Assessment Question 2012.

The main theme for 2012 will be 'e-Assessment in support of qualifications, awarding and certification', with a secondary focus on innovation.

Speakers this year include

Awarding Bodies such as AQA, ACCA, Cambridge Assessment, CITO, OCN London, UKAA

Innovators and Developers such as BTL, Calibrand, CEM,  examsondemand, TELEVIC, WIRIS

Users from school and students themselves, university, a Youth Offender Unit and the eAA.

The full programme is

Day One: 21st March 2012
0830 Registration and Welcome

0930    Opening Plenary Session,  'e-Assessment – managing the development of robust and reliable assessment for qualifications and learning',
This opening sessions looks at how e-Assessment provides both solutions and challenges for those involved in selecting, designing and implementing e-Assessment solutions. Whether that involves managing the process to ensure rigour and reliability for qualifications, the impact on awarding and supporting learning, or working internationally, the challenges are substantial and real.
•       Chair Bob Penrose
•       John Winkley,  Director,  AlphaPlus Consultancy Ltd., keynote address
•       John Kerr, Chair, UK Awarding Academy
•       Patrick Craven, Principal Analyst, Cambridge Assessment

1100 Coffee Break

1110    e-enabling Qualifications, the rationale and challenge of e-Assessment for Awarding Organisations
The drive for Awarding Organisations and their suppliers is to find e-Assessment solutions that meet a variety of requirements and objectives. For Awarding Organisations the move to e-delivery of assessments and qualifications is obviously one to be carefully planned and understood and may deep and lasting implications. This session looks at the issues facing such bodies and how they address them and the technological challenges they present particularly when considering an ever smaller world.
•       Chair: Graham Hudson, Director, DRS
•       Professor Daniel Khan, Chief Executive, OCN – London
•       Erwin van Schaffelaar, Business Developer , CITO
•       Gavin Cooney, Chief Executive Learnosity

1245 Lunch – sponsored by DRS

1345  The eAA (e-Assessment Association) lead session beginning with two formal presentations.
This afternoon stream will look at how we extend the uptake of e-Assessment, to broaden its acceptability and reach and meet the interests and concerns of stakeholders in government, education, the public and industry.
•       Chris Sangwin, Senior Lecturer in the School of Mathematics at the University of Birmingham
•       Geoff Chapman, Marketing Lead for the eAA and Business Development Director for Calibrand
•       Chair: Cliff Beevers PhD, OBE, Chair of eAA, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University.

14:45 Tea break

1500 'Question Time' style Panel Debate
A panel of five leading thinkers on the development of e-Assessment will take questions from the floor in what will be a lively and engaging debate

We look forward to your questions and contributions to the key issues facing those working in or using e-Assessment.

Chair: Cliff Beevers PhD, OBE, Chair of eAA, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University.

Closing thoughts from Bob Penrose.

1645 Tea and coffee served
e-Assessment Association AGM

Day Two: 21st March 2012

0830 Registration and Welcome

0930 Setting the Scene, Chair: Colin Deal, Examware
Developing e-Assessment to support Awarding Organisations, learners, teachers and managers. Why Awarding organisations adopt e-Assessment and related tools, techniques and technologies is complex and necessitates overlaps with a broad community of learners, managers and stakeholders. To meet their expectations and requirements involves careful management, a responsive attitude and a high degree of innovation.
•       Clare Minchington, Executive Director - Learning and Products, ACCA,  keynote address
•       Dave Patrick, Senior Product Manager for e-marking, RM
•       Jeremy Carter,  BTL
•       Chair: Colin Deal

1045 Coffee break

1100    Practical applications and case studies and examples of e-Assessment in support of learning and qualifications.
This session examines how organisations have developed and implemented robust and innovative e-assessment used in classroom in support of learning and the development of qualifications.
•       Dr Chris Wheadon,  Head of Scientific Research, AQA
•       Ramon Eixarch, wiris.com
•       Emma Beatty, Director of Software and Development, CEM, Durham University
•       Chair: Colin Deal

1230 Lunch    Sponsored by DRS

1400 The impact of innovation
This session examines how innovation can impact on learners with case studies of projects that address learning in conventional and unconventional circumstances.
•       Dicken Minta, Televic
•       Mark Robinson-Sivyer, Managing Director, Exam On Demand Ltd and Nick Charalambous, PETE LEAD, Services for Young People. Surrey YOT
•       Chair: Prof. Phil John, Heriot Watt University

1440 Tea break

1450 Workshop session:
eScape is one of the most exciting projects in e-portfolio and e-assessment development. In this extended session we will try to put such developments into the context of using technology to provide more effective, fit-for-purpose and robust 21st century assessment.
•       Richard Kimbell, Goldsmiths College, University of London
•       Matt Wingfield and  Karim Derrick, TAG Development eScape Team
•       Chair: Colin Deal

1540 Conference Closing Address
Quo Vadis –  where the technology and the expectation of learners, managers and stakeholders is taking us.
•       John Kerr, Chair, UKAA
•       Chair: Colin Deal

1600 Closing remarks from Chair.

Bookings may be made for either day or both days of the event, with a discount for Charities, Schools, Colleges, Universities and those in the public sector.
Please click on our website www.e-assessment-qustion.co.uk -  for registration and more details

We trust you or one of your colleagues will be able to join us for what will certainly prove to be an invaluable and thought-provoking two days.

Jeff Ross
Director, Assessment Tomorrow
Email:  jeff@assessmenttomorrow.com
Telephone: +44 (0) 7785 92039


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David Andrew, 
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Queen Mary, University of London

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