Monday, 2 February 2015

FW: Phenomenography: an approach to analysing interview data in higher education.

Phenomenography: an approach to analysing interview data in higher education.
Date - Thursday, 14 May 2015; 11.00-16.00
Venue - SRHE, 73 Collier St, London N1 9BE
Network - Newer Researchers Personal Development Programme
Phenomenographic research is focused on examining variation in the ways in which students or academics experience particular aspects of higher education. In this workshop,you will be briefly introduced to the theory and processes that inform phenomenography. You will then have the opportunity to work in groups to undertake your own phenomenographic analysis. Finally, participants will discuss  the possibilities and problems that are faced by those wishing to undertake phenomenographic research in higher education.

Workshop Facilitator: Dr Paul Ashwin
Paul Ashwin is Senior Lecturer in Higher Education at the Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University.
He has previously worked at the Oxford Learning Institute, University of Oxford researching students' experiences of learning and before that he spent seven years implementing and researching peer learning at Newham College of Further Education.
His research focuses on examining different aspects of teaching, learning and assessment in higher education including the recent ESRC-funded 'Pedagogic Quality and Inequality in University First Degrees' project, which examined the quality of teaching, learning and curricula in undergraduate sociology and allied subjects in universities that have different reputations for the quality of the undergraduate experience that they offer.
His recent book Analysing Teaching-Learning Interactions in Higher Education: Accounting for Structure and Agency (Continuum, 2009) critically examined different approaches to conceptualising the ways in which teaching-learning interactions in higher education are shaped by a range of personal, pedagogic, disciplinary, and institutional processes.

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