Saturday 5 October 2013

HEA seminars - employabilty theme

Employability seminars

Self-made you! A practical and celebratory conference on how to go it alone and succeed as an Entrepreneur and self-employed business professional.
20 November 2013, University of Central Lancashire
Distant but Dynamic: Learn and share how webinars can be used to successfully improve the employability skills of researchers, distance learners and other hard to reach groups, featuring case studies from a range of institutions
10 December 2013, University of London
Enterprise and Sustainability: future thinking in curricular approaches
9 January 2014, University of Bristol
Crossing the ‘Employability Chasm’ with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) – A Bridging Workshop for North West Practitioners in College Based Higher Education
24 January 2014, Blackburn College
Improving employability through student and academic partnerships
5 February 2014, Birmingham City University
A Model for Increasing Students’ Understanding of their Employability – 10 years and Evolving
21 February 2014, University of Ulster
Integrating ‘Sustainability’ within Degree Programmes: Towards a Student Handbook
28 February 2014, University of East Anglia

Designing work-integrated assessments: tools and techniques to align employability, assessment and technology
28 March 2014, University of Exeter
Nurturing Talent – Developing a Professional Mentoring Scheme
2 April 2014, University of Leeds
Meeting employers needs by developing graduates as critical thinkers
24 April 2014, Kingston University
Excavate to innovate: ‘unearthing’ students’ and tutors’ perceptions of employability to energise work based pedagogy
30 April 2014, The University of Northampton

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