Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Fwd: LRCE Training - Developing Graduate Attributes through the Sustainability Agenda and Problem-Based Learning

Dear all,


The London Regional Centre for Excellence is hosting an event on Monday 15th July 2013, 10.30am – 4 pm: 'Developing Graduate Attributes through the Sustainability Agenda and Problem-Based Learning'. Please see the attached invitation and circulate as widely as you can. If you would like to attend please RSVP to Lynn Vickery at: vickerl@lsbu.ac.uk.  The event includes lunch and refreshments.


Kind regards,




Rebecca Maiden

Head of Sustainability

Queen Mary, University of London


Ph: +44 207 882 8898

Email: r.maiden@qmul.ac.uk

Web: www.sustainability.qmul.ac.uk


Twitter: QMsustain

Facebook: QM Sustainability


Queen Mary is committed to reducing its carbon footprint.  Please only print this email if absolutely necessary.





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