- The workshop is intended for teams of staff and students (made up of between two and five members), and priority will be given to carefully selected teams if places are limited.
- Participants will be sent pre-workshop materials and will be expected to have undertaken a review of data, evidence and activities prior to attending the workshop.
- The workshop will focus on using the research evidence to develop interventions, including cultural and structural changes, and to plan how to evaluate them.
- Post-workshop materials will be provided to support the on-going work and evaluation.
- Participants are requested to provide feedback on the progress and impact of their work up to three times via an on-line survey, email or a phone call.
The anticipated outcomes are that by the end of the workshop each team will have:
- Reviewed their institution's strengths and weaknesses with regards to commuter student engagement;
- Assessed their institution's progress towards a whole institution approach to improving commuter student engagement and success;
- Identified priorities to improve commuter student engagement and success;
- Developed evidence-informed interventions, approaches or strategies to enhance the engagement and success of commuter students, and contribute to a whole institution approach; and
- Planned the evaluation strategy (based on theory of change and logic chains, identifying intermediate and longer-term impact) that can be used to evaluate the impact of the intervention.
After the workshop institutional teams are expected to implement and evaluate their interventions, approaches or strategies, and share their experiences and impact with Edge Hill University.
For more information please contact Liz Thomas thomase@edgehill.ac.uk