Tuesday, 29 November 2016

FW: Free Teaching and Learning Conversation Webinar: Tuesday 13th December 2016: Using social media for belonging and bonding


Dear Colleagues,

The next in our series of Teaching and Learning Conversations (TLC) on Tuesday 13th December 2016, is with Danielle D'Hayler Associate Professor Interpreting Studies at London Metropolitan University.

Danielle’s TLC  will explore the use of  “social media to enhance belonging and bonding”.  This 60 minute interactive webinar will share a number of case studies that examine some key questions in respect of the use of social media: How do I connect with students and peers using new technologies? What social media should I consider? Isn’t this dangerous or even a waste of time? Don’t we have enough to do already? Does it really work?

Full details of this TLC are available on the TLC website at: http://wp.me/p6HUdF-8o

We really hope that you will join the conversation and help to try to answer these questions together?

If you’d like to start the conversation early on Twitter, follow Diane  @DDhayer and the official TLC hashtag #tlcwebinars

Joining the conversation:

Simply follow this link http://mmu.adobeconnect.com/tlc/ and enter as a guest by typing your name, institution and country into the name field and clicking on the “Join Meeting” button.

Whether or not you have previously participated in a webinar or online activity using Adobe Connect we advise that you make sure that you do some checking and preparation in advance. Check your set-up and connection here.

You may also find our Adobe Connect Webinar Participant Guide useful to print out in advance of the session.We really hope that you will be able to join for what should be a lively and highly interactive TLC.

Best wishes, The TLC Team


Dr W. Rod Cullen

Assistant Head of Learning and Research Technologies (Learning Innovation)


Tel: 0161 247 3356

eMail: r.cullen|@mmu.ac.uk

Skype: wrod.cullen


Manchester Metropolitan University | Room E316 | All Saints Building | Oxford Road | Manchester | M15 6BH

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Thursday, 24 November 2016

FW: Save the date! Beverley Crooks, Free open lecture at University of Greenwich, December 8th, 5-6pm



Save the date! 

Beverley Crooks, Brunel University

Approaching Widening Participation in HE

Greenwich Campus, Queen Anne 065​

December 8th 2016, 5-6pm




Dr Beverley Crooks, Widening Participation Officer, Brunel University London

Beverley has worked in education for 30 years, first as a secondary school teacher, local education authority adviser and school inspector. She currently works as a Widening Participation (WP) officer and is responsible for implementing aspects of the University's WP Strategy and the OFFA Access Agreement. She teaches on the professional development in academic practice course and the graduate learning and teaching programme. Beverley has written for a number WP journals.  She is committed to supporting her local community and has served on the governing bodies of primary and secondary schools in west London and most recently on the governing body of Uxbridge College as Chair of the Corporation. Beverley is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.



Widening Participation throughout the student life cycle is vital for student success and for the survival of universities.  Improving social mobility is at the heart of the governments' agenda, however successive policy decisions over recent years have only increased the hurdles students have to overcome in order to progress to and succeed in university, Millburn 2016 states that the rungs on the social mobility ladder are growing further apart. Widening participation teams around the country have become increasingly creative in meeting the challenges faced by these tensions.  This lecture will focus on how one university approaches widening participation in the ever changing landscape.



The Educational Development Unit open lecture series is free to attend

No registration required

For more details on our series: http://www2.gre.ac.uk/about/faculty/eddev/study/open-lecture-series

Recordings of past lectures can be viewed on our vimeo site: https://vimeo.com/channels/uogedu​

You can also stream this lecture live on the day via this link: http://bit.ly/edulecturescrooks





Dr Danielle Tran BA, MA, FHEA, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Learning, Teaching & Professional Development

Educational Development Unit

University of Greenwich

QM162 Maritime Greenwich Campus

London SE10 9LS

Telephone: 02083319640​


University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 986729). Registered office: Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS.

FW: QMUL Educational Research Seminar: Internationalising HE: strategic aims and pedagogical practice

QMUL Educational Research Seminars 2016-17

Internationalising HE: strategic aims and pedagogical practice

Dr Claudia Bordogna and Dr Halina Harvey, University of Huddersfield

Friday 16 December, 1-2pm, CAPD Seminar Room, Queen Mary University of London, Room 0.15 Scape East, 438-490 Mile End Road, London E1 4GG

About the seminar
The internationalisation of higher education is a complex phenomenon.  So how are universities reacting to the changes which it brings? Is it a case of simply recruiting international students or are there more significant changes within British HEIs?

As practitioners working in international and transnational education we are aware that we represent a global academic community.  We have a responsibility to ensure all our students, staff and organisational functions, support the needs of our changing student cohorts. From 2000 – 2010, the number of internationally mobile students doubled world-wide. The UK is the second highest ranking destination. At the same time faculty are becoming increasingly international.  It is evident to all of us who work in HE today that the demographic has changed and that the change has been swift.

This session will focus on how these changes impact on British HEIs and the implications for teaching and learning practice. The session will cover the following:
  • HEI strategic aims and how pedagogical practice is manged in the light of key performance indicators.
  • Research into international students' prior learning  and the implications for studying in UK HE in terms of both the curriculum and student achievement
  • Internationalisation of the curriculum
  • Current research into the experiences of international academics working in UK HE
  • Examples of staff development and teaching activities associated with internationalisation

About the presenters
Dr Claudia Bordogna BA (Hons), MA, PGCHE, FHEA, is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of People, Management and Organisations in the University of Huddersfield Business School. Claudia is a member of the HEA internationalisation of the curriculum and TNE research and practice networks, and was involved with the HEA on a consultation process of the HEAs draft framework for internationalisation of the curriculum.  Claudia's PhD explored TNE partnership development between the UK and China, where she explored the value of activity theory and the morphogenesis approach as tools for deconstructing and analysing TNE partnerships. She is therefore a member of the international society for cultural and activity research (ISCAR), BERA and the SRHE.  Her research interests include the development of international (educational) partnerships, soft skill development for improving partner relations, internationalisation of HE, curricula and pedagogical developments.

Halina Harvey MA, FHEA, is a Senior Lecturer in English for academic purposes/learning development at the University of Huddersfield Business School.  She holds an MA by Research, BA (Hons) in French and English and a PGCE (PCET) and is working towards an EdD at the University of Manchester. She was Strand Leader (staff development) for the Higher Education Academy's consultation on the Internationalising Higher Education Framework (2014). She was awarded a UKCISA PMI2 Overseas Study Grant in 2010 and has recently been published in. P. Kneale (Ed.), Masters Level Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Issues in Design and Delivery (1st ed., pp. 105-116). Basingstoke: Palgrave. Her research interests revolve around practice and pedagogy for international students in HE, internationalisation of HE, language and acculturation.

Find out more about the Educational Research Seminars series and book upcoming seminars on the CAPD website.
Please contact the Seminar Series co-ordinator, Dr Fryni Panayidou at capd@qmul.ac.uk with any enquires.

Monday, 21 November 2016

FW: University of Sheffield conference reminder


Learning support in STEM: Learning differences and teaching innovations conference

Thursday 12th January 2017

University of Sheffield

This one-day conference at The University of Sheffield brings together academics, practitioners, and students to discuss STEM innovations and learning support in higher education. This promises to be an exciting, cross-disciplinary event which will consider some of the issues surrounding STEM support and address how academic staff and practitioners can support students to reach their academic potential.  Delegates will learn about the impact of a range of learning difficulties and how to improve their teaching practice to make it more inclusive as well as innovative methods for teaching and supporting STEM students.

Key note speakers:

Clare Trott (Loughborough University) : Providing successful maths support for students with dyscalculia and dyslexia

Clare is a leading expert in providing maths support for students with dyscalculia or low maths confidence.  She will talk about her experiences and the specific techniques and materials she uses with her students.

Nicola Whitton (Manchester Metropolitan University): Playful learning: using games to enhance the student experience

Nicola Whitton is a Professor of Professional Learning at the Education and Social Research Institute at Manchester Metropolitan University.  She will discuss the practice and benefits of games and learning in higher education and will demonstrate that games can provide a flexible option to engage students with active learning environments in almost all disciplinary contexts.

Amanda French: Academic writing in STEM

Amanda is a senior researcher in academic writing and co-editor of the Journal for Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE). Her workshop will consider academic writing in STEM subjects; how it differs from humanities students and how to support students in developing writing skills in stem subjects.

Parallel workshops: Participants will be able to choose one set of two of the following workshops



Session information


Emma Cliffe (University of Bath)

SpLD and maths support – Bridging the gap

Emma is one of only a few people who provide maths and SpLD support to students of STEM subjects and has developed a number of approaches to assist students with their STEM learning. Emma will use scenarios of actual queries and 'best practice' to engage discussion between the two specialisms about bridging the gap between the responses a member of either of the two groups could give independently.


Dylan Griffiths (University of Bangor)

Using innovative resources to teach maths

Dylan will discuss the use of manipulatives and other approaches when teaching students basic maths concepts.


Helen Ball/ Karen Panich (Diversity and ability)

Using assistive technology with STEM students

Assistive technology is technology that is used by people with disabilities to support them in communicating and learning. This workshop will demonstrate a variety of these apps and how they can be used to in an educational context to facilitate learning, and organisation and time management.



Jill Aylott (Autism consultant)

Supporting students with Autism

Jill will discuss the cognitive profile, learning needs and differences of autistic students and suggest approaches for effective 1:1 support.



Abby Osbourne (University of Bath)

Embedding inclusive learning within the curriculum

Abby is a reasonable adjustments project manager at Bath university and is currently working with academics to embed inclusive learning within the curriculum. 



Fay Short (University of Bangor)

Engaging students using a 'House of learning'

Fay is deputy head of the School of Psychology at Bangor university and her work with the Higher Education Academy has focused on techniques for effective teaching and student support.

This workshop will introduce the basic premise of the 'House of Learning' teaching model in story-telling form before outlining each structure with supporting research from pedagogy and psychology.  Real-world examples of the model in action will be explored so participants will leave with practical ideas to their own teaching.



Posters: We are interested in displaying posters relating to this theme so if you would like to submit a poster please fill in the poster form here.

Registration: The cost of the conference is £30 and includes lunch.  Register for the conference here.

You will be prompted to give a password; the password is: stem17

Learning development: This conference provides opportunities to engage in depth with the following dimensions of the UKPSF which is particularly important for those applying for HEA fellowship:

Areas of activity: A1, A2, A4, A5

Core knowledge: K2, K3, K4, K6

Professional values: V1, V2, V3, V4

For more information on the descriptors see: https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/sites/default/files/downloads/ukpsf_2011_english.pdf


Victoria Mann
ADOS  Specialist SpLD Service, Staff SpLD service coordinator
Senior Fellow
ADSHE north east regional co-ordinator

ADSHE register of professional quality assured SpLD tutors ADSHEQA373.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

FW: UKAT Conference 2017 Registration now open

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On behalf of UK Advising and Tutoring (UKAT), I am pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Annual Conference 2017.


Making a Difference to Student Success – Inspiring Students Through Advising and Personal Tutoring

5-6 April 2017, Leeds Trinity University, Leeds


The conference aims to explore current trends and approaches for encouraging student attainment, and to promote the sharing of experiences and innovative practice.

Registration is now available via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ukat-annual-conference-2017-tickets-25250000431


UKAT (United Kingdom Advising and Tutoring) is a professional body of practitioners and researchers interested in all aspects of advising and personal tutoring in FE and HE in the UK. UKAT recognises that effective personal tutoring and academic advising is at the core of student success, and aspires to lead the development and dissemination of innovative theory, research, and practice of student advising and tutoring in the UK and beyond.


Proposals are still welcome on the theme of Advising and Personal Tutoring for Success, Attainment and Retention, with a particular focus on the impact that personal tutoring and academic advising can have on the differential attainment of students from diverse backgrounds, and strategies for supporting students to achieve academic and future goals.

Submissions are welcomed for 20-minute individual presentations, 45-minute participatory workshops, or posters. Further details can be found at http://www.ukat.uk/conference/submissions


Closing date for UKAT submissions : 16 December 2016


UKAT is pleased to support the NACADA International Conference which will be held in Sheffield, UK July 10 - 13, 2017. UKAT has reached an agreement with NACADA that any proposals submitted for the UKAT conference can also be submitted for consideration for the NACADA International Conference in Sheffield. It is permitted, and positively encouraged, to submit the same proposal to both conferences. Further information available via the link above.



We look forward to seeing you in April, and hope you will join us in welcoming NACADA to the UK in July.


Best Wishes,


Emily Foster



Emily Foster
Student Engagement Officer (SEO), Engagement and Transition Team

T: +44 (0)1482 46 4661

Student Services 
University of Hull
Hull, HU6 7RX, UK


Communications Coordinator and Executive Committee, UK Advising and Tutoring (UKAT)



Global Initiatives Committee, NACADA Global Community for Academic Advising




Monday, 14 November 2016

FW: Reminder: Save the Date! Nick Hillman open lecture at University of Greenwich, 23rd November 2016 (5-6pm)


Save the Date! 

23rd November 2016 (5-6pm)

Open lecture on the TEF by Nick Hillman



Nick Hillman will be delivering a lecture on the TEF as part of the University of Greenwich's open lecture series on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 (5-6pm) Greenwich campus, Stockwell St S11_0004



Is the TEF a good idea and will it work?


The Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) has generated much debate with contrasting views as to the benefits or drawbacks of the initiative.  For some, it provides the potential to redress gaps between teaching and research esteem and the impact on the quality of UK university teaching. For others, it risks undermining the independence of universities and encouraging perverse incentives. This talk will examine the origins of the TEF and consider the evidence for its existence. It will question whether, in its current form, it is likely to produce the sort of hoped for outcomes for university staff and students.





Nick Hillman has been the Director of HEPI since January 2014. He worked for the Rt Hon David Willetts MP, now Lord Willetts, the Minister for Universities and Science, from 2007 until the end of 2013, as Chief of Staff and then Special Adviser in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Previously, he was a History teacher and worked at the Association of British Insurers. At the 2010 general election, he was the runner-up in Cambridge. He has written for a range of think tanks and journals. His more recent writings include articles on the Coalition's higher education reforms for the Oxford Review of Education (2016), on access to schools and selective universities for Higher Education Review (2014) and on the fifty-year history of student loans for Contemporary British History (2013). He also wrote the authoritative account of being a special adviser for the Institute of Government (2014). His recent pamphlets for HEPI include an assessment of the impact of students in the general election of 2015, a comparison of the UK and German higher education system, a piece on the educational underachievement of young men and a study on students' attitudes to free speech.​




The event is free to attend.

No registration required.







Dr Danielle Tran BA, MA, FHEA, PhD

Senior Lecturer in Learning, Teaching & Professional Development

Educational Development Unit

University of Greenwich

QM162 Maritime Greenwich Campus

London SE10 9LS

Telephone: 02083319640




University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee, registered in England (reg. no. 986729). Registered office: Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS.

“Intellectual Property: Rights, Risks and Rebellions in International Higher Education”.

The eleventh annual Drapers’ Lecture will be held on Wednesday 28th January at 6pm at Queen Mary University of London.
We are delighted that Dr Jo Beall, Director Education and Society at the British Council will be joining us to deliver the 2017 lecture, titled “Intellectual Property: Rights, Risks and Rebellions in International Higher Education”.

To book - http://bit.ly/DrapersLecture17

Thursday, 10 November 2016

FW: Universities and Schools: Selection, Sponsorship & Social Mobility

Leading the universities and schools agenda

A one-day conference on Friday 25th November at Coventry University, London.
Booking now open

The government has brought education back to the top of the political agenda. Alongside the Higher Education and Research Bill, a new consultation raises big questions about universities and schools and the shape of the whole education landscape. It is, for this reason, we are bringing together experts from across education sectors to discuss how universities can take the agenda forward. There is an opportunity to shape the emerging policies, but we need to act quickly.

The consultation has wide-ranging proposals for all parts of the education system, including the controversial return of grammar schools. But away from the headlines, there are numerous measures that will have significant impact on universities. 

What does this have to do with higher education?

There are two key measures in the consultation which universities need to think about the most. The first is the return of grammar schools which will pose a problem for widening participation as the evidence is that for all the pupils doing well in the selective state sector, there are many more pupils out there doing worse. Constraining social mobility in the educational pipeline hampers universities' attempts to provide the best education for those who would benefit most.
However, the most direct impact on universities in the consultation is the requirement, as part of an Access Agreement for universities to sponsor schools. The government recognises that there is already a large number of university-school sponsorship arrangements, though it should also be noted these aren't universally successful. The real challenge comes with the proposal that universities would have to ensure that the schools they sponsor are rated by Ofsted as Good or Outstanding.

Join the debate

Wonkhe is hosting a conference in London on Friday 25th November to explore the government's proposals and what they mean for universities. The event will draw on research commissions by Hefce on university-school sponsorship, hear from a variety of perspectives where universities already sponsor schools including an academic contributor and a head teacher.
Professor Les Ebdon, Director of Fair Access, will address the conference and there will be a panel on grammar schools and social mobility. The programme includes opportunity for discussion, and the event should be essential for anyone working on their university's response to the government consultation.
Staff working in strategy, policy, recruitment, admissions and widening participation should attend.

Other speakers include:
  • Chris Millward, Director (Policy), HEFCE
  • Tim Allan, York Consulting
  • Eireann Attridge, Access and Funding Officer, Cambridge University Students' Union
  • Dr Janet Hannah, CEO, Coventry University London Campus
  • Nick Hillman, Director, Higher Education Policy Institute
  • Guy Keith-Miller, Head of Academy and Trust Partnerships, University of the West of England
  • Mark Leach, Director and Editor-in-Chief, Wonkhe
  • Judy Rider, Principal, Brompton Academy (sponsored by University of Kent)
  • Professor Peter Vukusic, Associate Dean for Education of the College of Mathematics, Engineering and Physical Sciences
To read the full agenda, and find out more click here.
If you have any questions about the conference, email

Read more on Wonkhe

Vice chancellor of Portsmouth University Graham Galbraith assesses the new proposals and asks whether there are lessons we can learn from the Californian experience.
Joel Mullan unpacks the experience of school sponsorship so far, and David Morris put the proposals in a wider context of the social mobility debate.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

FW: 12 Apps of Christmas 2016




Are you interested in exploring which free mobile apps could help you in your teaching or supporting your students?


Would you like to take part in a fun, free, practical online course this December?


Then the 12 Apps of Christmas could be for you.


Last year, over 1000 participants from around the world took part in a new open course hosted by Regent’s University London - the 12 Apps of Christmas.  In just a few minutes a day, they learned about and tried out a range of free mobile apps with potential classroom use, built a community of practice, and had fun doing so.


The course was a success, winning the Credo Digital Information Literacy Award and inspiring people to run versions at other institutions.


Now, the original is back – better than ever! From 1st to 16th December 2016.


The 12 Apps of Christmas 2016 will offer a completely new range of carefully selected apps, while keeping to the same simple, entertaining formula which made it so successful last year. Expect guest posts, engaging hands-on activities, and a chance to be part of a friendly, enquiring community of educators worldwide.


And for those of you who took part last year – yes, we’re afraid the Christmas cracker jokes will be back…


To enrol on the 12 Apps of Christmas 2016, go to:



Watch the video here:



Twitter: @12AoC #12AoC


Best wishes


Chris Rowell


Deputy Learning Technology Manager

Learning Resources

Regent’s University London, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4NS

T: +44(0) 207 487 7519 rowellc@regents.ac.uk


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FW: Assessment in HE Call for Proposals 6th International AHE Conference 28 & 29 June 2017, Manchester, UK:


The AHE Conference is a key event for all those interested in research and development of assessment practice and policy.  We are delighted to advise you that the call for proposals for the 6th International AHE Conference 28 & 29 June 2017 is now open. This event is to be held at the Macdonald Manchester Hotel, Manchester, UK.


Conference 2017 proposal submission guidelines

We invite you to submit proposals for this conference on any of the themes listed below in the context of higher education assessment. The suitability of submissions will be decided by an anonymous peer review process. We look forward to another exciting conference and value the time you will spend on your submission; we look forward to reading about your work. See below for guidance on submissions…


The deadline for submission of proposals is 09 January 2017.  Please submit your proposals online here

For further information on AHE network, previous conferences and seminars please follow this link


Conference Formats

The formats are designed to promote dialogue focused on research, innovation or policy development in assessment in higher education:


·        Poster & Pitch: this popular format involves an A0 poster plus a three minute pitch in a themed room followed by time for the audience to interact with individual presenters. These sessions attract a special interest audience and provide great networking opportunities. Poster & pitch may focus on research or practice exchange.

·        Research Presentation: this is a standard research presentation of 20 minutes maximum followed by at least 10 minutes for discussion.

·        Practice Exchange: this is presentation of innovation and development of practice in assessment including scholarly engagement with relevant literature. It involves a 15 minute presentation with 15 minutes for discussion.


The submission of proposals will be in the form of a 400 word abstract. You should include a list up to 5 key references to accompany your abstract.


Conference themes:

The themes should be interpreted broadly, as they are not intended to limit potential contributions. When submitting proposals, delegates will be asked to

nominate the theme to which they feel their work best relates (themes in full).

·        Exploring approaches to assessment and feedback in higher education

·        Enhancing assessment and feedback at programme and institutional level

·        Cultivating assessment literacy

·        Integrating digital tools and technologies for assessment

·        Developing academic integrity and academic literacies through assessment

·        Assessment for Social Justice


The deadline for submission of proposals is 09 January 2017.  Please submit your proposals online here

For further information on AHE network, previous conferences and seminars please follow this link


The AHE conference is leading the development of assessment for learning in higher education


Linda Shore

Research Office and Graduate School

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University of Cumbria

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Carlisle CA1 2HH

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