Monday, 22 September 2014

FW: Transforming Assessment - oct 1st session on accessible e-assessment


Transforming Assessment Webinar Update

[via JISC email list - this is not direct mail - apologies for any cross posting]

October 1st webinar: e-Assessment for all - from rhetoric to realities.

Abi James - Chair British Dyslexia Association, consultant Assistive Learning, UK
Alistair McNaught - Senior advisor, Jisc TechDis, UK
Paul Nisbet - Senior Research Fellow and Joint Coordinator of CALL Scotland.

This session will explore some of the key facets of accessible e-assessment to enable access for learners with print disabilities ranging from dyslexia to visual impairment including those with difficulties handling hard copy print. Examples of formal and informal assessments will be discussed along with some particular issues that relate to making maths and science notation accessible.

Further details and RSVP via:

Further information:
The Transforming Assessment webinars are part of a series of free events covering a range of e-assessment topics.
Further information on this and future events, recordings of past sessions, project information and participation/technical help on using the virtual classroom system can be found on our website at

Support for this activity has been provided by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching, RMIT University and the University of Queensland. The views expressed in this publication/activity do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring institutions.

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Dr Mathew Hillier
University of Queensland, Australia
Transforming Assessment

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