Monday, 1 October 2012

Fwd: Manchester Workshop - How can e-Portfolios Support 21st Century Learning?

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Subject: Manchester Workshop - How can e-Portfolios Support 21st Century Learning?
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2012 11:14:43 +0100
From: JISC Netskills <netskills-admin@NETSKILLS.AC.UK>
Reply-To: JISC Netskills <netskills-admin@NETSKILLS.AC.UK>

How can e-Portfolios Support 21st Century Learning?  10:00 - 16:30 Thursday 25th October, 2012  (registration from 09:30)    Sackville Building, University of Manchester, places are £50, Book Now:     LIMITED PLACES STILL AVAILABLE    e-Portfolios are not a new concept. In various guises, digital presentations of skills and competences, online records of achievement, and action plans with opportunities for reflection have been in use in education for nearly a decade. So what is new about e-portfolios?    This workshop will explore what we mean by e-portfolios and how e-portfolios can support 21st century learning. Drawing on the work of JISC-funded projects and other significant e-portfolio developments, it will provide a snapshot of learning enhanced by e-portfolios in higher, further and continuing education.    The keynote speaker is Lisa Gray, e-Learning Programme Manager at JISC.  Guest presenters include:   - Duncan Gillespie (Dumfries and Galloway College),   - Alan Moffatt (Cumbernauld College)  - Elizabeth Barnes (University of Manchester)    Who should attend?  This workshop is for those who use, or support others use of, e-portfolios: practitioners and managers in higher and further education; staff developers; those involved in initial teacher training; and in the management and implementation of PDP, CPD and lifelong learning.      Chris Thomson  Consultant Trainer  JISC Netskills  t: 0191 222 5000  w:    Send the following command to subscribe/unsubscribe LISTNAME FIRSTNAME LASTNAME   or  Go to the homepage of LISTNAME. Enter 'Join or leave list (or change settings)' and enter your details to join, or press the delete button.  


David Andrew, 
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The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

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