Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Fwd: Furthering Equality in International HE - a seminar

*****Apologies for cross-posting*****    Furthering Equality in International Higher Education: UK and transnational programmes    Date: 29 Jan 2013  Time: 10:30am – 3:30pm  Location/venue: University of Surrey    This event is being hosted as part of the Higher Education Academy's Workshop and Seminar Series 2012/2013    Extant research on processes of internationalisation within higher education has highlighted important inequalities. Students from more privileged homes have been shown to be much more likely than their peers to be internationally mobile; some international students suffer racism and other forms of discrimination; and there are considerable disparities between nations in the income derived from international student mobility and other forms of internationalisation. However, there remain significant gaps in our knowledge. We know relatively little, for example, about the impact on students of transnational programmes, which are offered by UK universities and delivered – at least partially – overseas. Moreover, there has been little work that has compared the impact of different forms of internationalisation. For example, do organised forms of student mobility encourage those who would be unlikely to move abroad under their own initiative (i.e. through spontaneous mobility)? Furth  ermore, while academic research has been effective in highlighting some of the inequalities which can often be exacerbated by international student mobility, there has been considerably less work on the action that can be taken by policymakers, university leaders and those who teach within higher education institutions to redress these problems.    This seminar will contribute to our understanding in this area by bringing together researchers, lecturers and staff from university international offices to: (i) compare the issues of (in)equality raised by different types of internationalisation (i.e. spontaneous student mobility, organised student mobility and transnational programmes); and (ii) on the basis of this analysis, consider how all those involved in international higher education can promote greater equality amongst students.    30 places are available, free of charge, on a first come-first served basis    Further details and the online booking form can be found at:  


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



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