Friday, 6 July 2012

Fwd: National HE STEM Programme conference 4th to 6th September 2012

National HE STEM Programme Conference
4 – 6 September 2012, University of Birmingham
Free to all individuals involved in UK higher education activity[1] & competitive rates for those outside of the UK (advance registration essential)
Confirmed Keynote speakers include:
· The Rt Hon David Willetts MP (Minister of State for Universities and Science).
· Lord Robert Winston (Professor of Science and Society and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial College, Author, Science Broadcaster, and Politician)
· Sir Alan Langlands (Chief Executive of the Higher Education Funding Council for England).
On the 4 - 6 September 2012, the National HE STEM Programme, a £21million, 3-year initiative established by the Higher Education Funding Councils for England and Wales, will hold a major conference showcasing and disseminating the learning from its work within England and Wales.
The National HE STEM Programme, which commenced its work in August 2009, has undertaken a series of activities, projects and interventions designed to enhance the way universities recruit students and deliver programmes of study within the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics disciplines. At its heart has been a focus upon increasing and widening participation within UK higher education from traditionally under-represented groups of learners.
The conference will contain over 130 presentations from those who have led the work of the Programme which has taken place within almost 90 higher education institutions across England and Wales and across three specific themes:
1. Widening participation within the STEM disciplines at university level, by supporting HEIs to work with those currently within the school, college and FE sectors;
2. Higher Education curriculum developments focusing upon course delivery and design, student support, to enhance student knowledge, progression and skills;
3. Encouraging those currently within the workforce and society without a prior university-level qualification to engage with further study to develop enhanced knowledge and skills.
Details of the activities that have been undertaken as part of each theme can be found by visiting A comprehensive poster display will also be available throughout the conference.
The conference will be particularly relevant to anyone within higher education looking to enhance their existing activities or develop new approaches, or for those from the school, college, further education, or employment sectors looking to engage more effectively with higher education. Participation in the conference represents an ideal opportunity to learn from the practices and approaches that have been developed, to network with like-minded individuals to share information and ideas, and develop future collaborations.
To guarantee your place at the conference, you are strongly encouraged to register for the conference by 12.00 p.m. on Wednesday 25 July 2012.
For further information, including details of how to register and a full conference timetable, please visit:

[1] Attendance at the conference is free and includes lunch and refreshments. All-inclusive accommodation is available for £60 per night and can be booked during registration. A cancellation fee is applicable for non-attendance without prior notification at least 48 hours in advance.


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



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