Monday, 11 June 2012

Fwd: European First Year Experience Network: Improving the first year experience workshop - Tuesday 19 June

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: European First Year Experience Network: Improving the first year experience workshop - Tuesday 19 June
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 16:52:03 +0000
From: Foster, Ed <ed.foster@NTU.AC.UK>
Reply-To: Foster, Ed <ed.foster@NTU.AC.UK>

Apologies for duplication



European First Year Experience Network

Improving the first year experience: opportunities and challenges



Tuesday June 19th 2012




As you may be aware, the European First Year Experience Network conference isn’t taking place this year. Whilst this is a pity because it’s a really nice conference. However, it’s more of a concern because this year, more than ever, the first year is going to be crucial to students in the UK.


So it’s a good job that there’s a one-day symposium to give colleagues the chance to reflect and make plans for 2012-13.



Symposium Themes


We now have centres of excellence in the first year experience in the US, Australasia and Europe. There are journals, textbooks, and articles written. We know that the transition from post-16 to higher education is a challenge in many national settings. We don’t lack knowledge about the problems students face when they first arrive on our campuses.


Yet change is hard.


This session will provide a quick overview of key research into the first year experience, but will concentrate on strategies for institutional change to improve new students’ experiences. Becka Colley (University of Bradford) and Ed Foster (Nottingham Trent University) will share one change implementation strategy from the centre using the HERE Project toolkit and will explore other models and approaches.


In the afternoon, we will build on the highly rated Show and Tell sessions model from previous conferences and provide colleagues with the opportunity to present their both showcase their work to a wider audience and learn from their peers.


There is a small charge for the day of £60 and places are limited so you are encouraged to place your booking as soon as possible.  Any materials will be shared with participants after the event.


To book a place, please go to


We are currently in discussion with a European partner for a second event in the Autumn and have started to plan a full conference for 2013.  We look forward to seeing you at one, or all, of these events.



Thank you










Ed Foster

Study Support Co-ordinator, Nottingham Trent University Library

0115 848 8203,



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David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice
Senior Tutor

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

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Latest tweet: new blog post Fwd: University of Worcester, UK, Learning and Teaching conference, 19th June

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