Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Re: Academy Update January 2012

On 31 January 2012 16:25, The Higher Education Academy <> wrote:


1. Call for submissions for Change Academy 2012-13

Higher education institutions from the UK and overseas are invited to submit proposals for Change Academy 2012-13, the HEA's flagship institutional change programme, delivered in partnership with the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.

2. Launch of the 2012 National Teaching Fellowship Scheme

Nominations are now open for the individual awards in the 2012 National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. Up to 55 awards of £10,000 are made each year in recognition of teaching excellence. The most prestigious awards for learning and teaching in UK higher education, they are designed to support professional development and to celebrate individuals who make an outstanding impact on the student learning experience.

3. Early bird bookings for HEA annual conference 2012 open soon

Early bird bookings for our 2012 conference, which will be held on 3-4 July 2012 in Manchester, will open on 17 February 2012. The title of the conference is 'Great expectations: are you ready?', with three main sub-themes of great expectations of students, great expectations of staff and great expectations of institutions.

4. HEA and UKCISA joint internationalisation funding call

The HEA, in partnership with the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA), has invited institutions to submit applications for funding to projects which support the theme of internationalisation.

5. Contributions invited for Surveys for Enhancement conference

Contributions are now being sought for this year's Surveys for Enhancement conference, which will be held on 17 May at the National College for School Leadership in Nottingham. Contributions may include presenting research or practice on any issue relating to the use of student survey data for quality enhancement.

6. Details of 2012 seminar series now available

The HEA is running a workshop and seminar series in the thematic areas of assessment and feedback and retention and success. Each seminar will be hosted and delivered by a higher education institution and will focus on aspects of learning and teaching.

7. Further funding for leading edge innovators to develop life changing assistive technologies

JISC TechDis, in conjunction with the Department for Business Innovation and Skills and the Technology Strategy Board, has announced the four technology innovators that have been awarded funding for phase two of the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI).

8. TechDis Tuesdays

In 2012, JISC TechDis is delivering a series of short online workshops to help make learning and teaching accessible and inclusive. These fortnightly workshops will help you make the most of JISC TechDis tools and resources.

9. Accessible IT practice support programme

New participants are welcome on the JISC TechDis Accessible IT support programme, which focuses on using IT effectively, inclusively and accessibly for learning and teaching. On completion, participants can gain a recognised Information Technology Qualification (ITQ).

Publications, resources and funding

10. HEA Strategic Plan launched

The HEA has launched its vision for the next four years in its strategic plan, focusing on professionalisation of teaching and emphasising the organisation's role as the national voice for learning and teaching enhancement in higher education.

11. HEA launches employer engagement publication

The HEA has published 'Learning from experience in employer engagement', which shares the learning from higher education institutions (HEIs) involved in projects to enhance their employer engagement policy and practices so that all HEIs can make informed decisions when embarking upon their own employer-responsive provision.

12. New HEA Doctoral Programme announced

The HEA Doctoral Programme forms part of our strategy to undertake research to develop pedagogical knowledge and evidence-based practice in higher education. We are inviting bids from UK higher education institutions to host one or more doctoral studentships for the academic year 2012-13. Topics should relate to discipline-specific learning and teaching research or to interdisciplinary/generic pedagogical research.

13. Submissions open for teaching development grants

As part of its £1.5 million teaching development grants programme, the HEA has opened its second individual grants call with £315,000 funding available. The awards will be made to individuals responsible for learning and teaching on the themes of internationalisation and employability.

14. Call for papers - Perspectives: Teaching Islamic Studies in higher education

Perspectives is the Islamic Studies Network's biannual publication. It is a forum for the exchange of ideas and good practice in teaching and learning in Islamic Studies and related subjects. For the next issue, the editorial board especially welcomes contributions on collaboration between Islamic institutions and publicly-funded universities or on collaborations between UK and international institutions.


15. Tackling transition in Psychology, 7 February 2012, York

This HEA/National Science Learning Centre workshop will give psychology teachers and academics opportunities to network and to explore ways in which they can work together to 'tackle transition' for students from sixth form at school or college into university education.

16. Appreciative inquiry: translating the theory into practice (Health Sciences Discipline workshop & seminar series 2012), 15 February 2012, Cardiff University

This workshop will investigate ways to introduce appreciative inquiry methods, through problem-based learning activities to promote individual learning and creativity.

17. Education for Sustainable Development, 16 February 2012, Bath Spa University

This workshop will explore the latest thinking in ESD in relation to appropriate pedagogies and staff and curriculum development issues and will encourage participants to consider the nature of opportunities and obstacles for developing ESD within their own teaching.

18. Innovative approaches to student engagement, 20 February 2012, University of Huddersfield

This workshop is concerned with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in higher education, in all disciplines, and will identify and examine some of the factors that impact on student engagement, share experiences of novel attempts at promoting student engagement, and explore the potential for radically new strategies to promote student engagement.

19. Inquiry into the development of a SoTL performance index, 22 February 2012, University of Glasgow

This workshop will allow participants to explore the elements for inclusion in a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) performance index and how its development could enhance and reward engagement with SoTL at their departmental, faculty or institutional level.

20. A student-centred approach to developing the content, delivery, and assessment of Research Process modules: Insights and evaluations of student retention, 22 February 2012, Cardiff Metropolitan University

This event is being hosted as part of the HEA's Workshop and Seminar Series 2012.

21. Future Directions: Foundation Degrees – where policy meets practice, 29 February 2012, University of Glamorgan

This event will focus on Wales' journey in creating and developing foundation degrees, and considering where the journey should lead us. There will be interactive sessions focusing on employer and work-based learning routes into Foundation Degrees, institutional development of Foundation Degrees, and considering relevant policy areas.

22. Plagiarism, 29 February 2012, University of Bath

This workshop will explore academic misconduct by examining unintentional plagiarism, deception about ownership of the material, self-plagiarism and contract cheating.

23. Understanding engineering fundamentals: how and why are they 'fundamental'?, 1 March 2012, University of Leeds

Those who teach engineering in higher education, and engineering employers, will explore what an engineering 'fundamental' is, what they think engineering graduates do with 'fundamentals' in the workplace, and that the role of the 'fundamentals' is in the workplace.

24. Writing for publication, 1 March 2012, University of Huddersfield

This workshop will encourage and help academics write for journals, submit their work for conferences and to improve chances of having papers accepted. The target audience is early career academics, these skills are essential for career advancement as well as for enjoyment and intellectual challenge.

25. Embedding puzzle-based learning in STEM teaching, 7 March 2012, University of Birmingham

Through a project sponsored by the University of Birmingham, new learning resources are being developed to enable STEM staff to incorporate puzzle-based learning in their teaching. A draft guide to puzzle-based learning has been produced to accompany a selection of mathematical and logic-based puzzles and will be presented at this workshop.

26. Health Sciences teaching development grants: project development workshops, 20 March 2012 and 27 March 2012, York and London

The Health Sciences team is holding one-day workshops aimed at those considering making an application to the teaching development grant scheme, or who have been awarded funding and would like to strengthen their projects' progress.

27. STEM annual conference 2012, 12-13 April 2012, Imperial College London

This is the HEA's first annual learning and teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) conference. Themes will include innovative practice in STEM learning and teaching, gender issues in STEM subjects, and work-based learning in STEM subjects.

28. Inaugural Future Directions conference, 26 April 2012, Glyndwr University

The main focus of the conference will be to showcase the first Wales-wide quality enhancement theme, 'Graduates for our future', and its three work strands: students as partners; learning in employment; and learning for employment.

29. Workplace-based learning in action: developing the UK research network (Health Sciences Discipline Workshop & Seminar Series 2012), 9 May 2012, Cardiff University

This seminar will focus on bringing together UK researchers investigating triadic interactional activities between students, doctors and patients within workplace-based learning activities (e.g. bedside teaching encounters).

30. Teaching Islamic Studies in Wales, 11 May 2012, Aberystwyth University

Following on from the workshop held in May 2011, the Islamic Studies Network is holding a second cross-disciplinary workshop for those working in Islamic Studies and related disciplines at higher education institutions in Wales.

31. Social Sciences: ways of knowing, ways of learning, 28-29 May 2012, Liverpool

This inaugural HEA Social Sciences conference will provide the opportunity for the Social Science community to come together to address the issues being generated by current developments to teaching and learning in the HE sector. The conference will provide an environment in which both challenges can be discussed and possible solutions shared.

32. Pedagogies of hope and opportunity: the HEA Arts and Humanities annual conference, 29–30 May 2012, Glasgow

The HEA's first annual learning and teaching conference for the Arts and Humanities will celebrate, highlight and share the many creative and innovative ways in which Arts and Humanities courses, and those who teach and study them, are meeting the serious and complex challenges that confront them.

33. Health Sciences annual conference 2012, 31 May 2012, Nottingham

The first annual conference for the Health Sciences disciplines will be held at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham. The focus of the conference will be on innovative practice in healthcare learning and teaching; simulation in healthcare education; and evolution of technology enhanced learning in healthcare education.


David Andrew, 
Head of Academic Practice

The Learning Institute 
Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



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