Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Fwd: Invitation to a National Symposium - 'Enhancing Dissertations and Final Year Projects:Experiences, Embedding and the Future' 29 Feb

Apologies for cross-posting 

Invitation to a National Symposium

 'Enhancing Dissertations and Final Year Projects: 

Experiences, Embedding and the Future'


29 February 2012



University of Gloucestershire

Park Campus, Cheltenham, GL50 2RH


This one day symposium will explore how the dissertation experience can be enhanced. It will explore case studies which demonstrate how dissertations or creative honours projects can take many forms which are innovative or creative in the context of their discipline or institution, and may include group, work-oriented and community-based projects. There can also be novel ways of disseminating the findings: via exhibitions, undergraduate research conferences and other forms of public engagement.   The symposium will be an interactive, fun event stimulated by a few short talks and with plenty of opportunities for discussion.

Key note speakers include: Craig Mahoney (Chief Executive, HE Academy), Stephen Marston (VC, Gloucestershire) and Vicky Gunn (Glasgow).

The symposium is being offered free of charge, including refreshments and lunch, to both internal and external delegates, but because of this, places are restricted and will be allocated on a first come basis. 


Final year undergraduate students are encouraged to participate.


Call for Posters

Delegates are invited to contribute a case study poster.  Further information about submitting a poster can be found on the website at:



Details of the programme and a registration form can be found at:

Please email or post your registration form to Sue Hendzel as soon as possible.  Email:         

Address:          University of Gloucestershire, TLI, Francis Close Hall Campus, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4AZ

The closing date is Monday 6th February 2012.


This event is sponsored by a National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) funded project being undertaken by the University of Gloucestershire entitled: 'Rethinking Final Year Projects and Dissertations: Creative Honours and Capstone Projects'  


Best wishes


Professor Mick Healey BA PhD FRGS NTF SFHEA

HE Consultant and Researcher


Director Healey HE Consultants Ltd

Emeritus Professor University of Gloucestershire

Director NTFS Project: Re-thinking Final Year Projects and Dissertations: Creative Honours and Capstone Projects

Co-Editor, International Journal for Academic Development

Joint International Editor Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly

Honorary Professor University of Queensland

Visiting Professor Edinburgh Napier University

Visiting Professor University of Wales Newport


19 River View Close

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Hereford HR2 6NZ, UK


Email:  (Best way to contact me)

Tel: +44 (0)1432 870713; Mobile: +44 (0)7952 095 129  

Skype: mick.healey  

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