Thursday, 29 September 2011

Fwd: SRHE: The Ethics of Widening Participation Series

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UALL Widening Participation and Social Inclusion Network

Convenor: Annette Hayton, Head of Widening Participation, Goldsmiths, University of London

SRHE: Access and Widening Participation Network

Convenor: Penny-Jane Burke, Roehampton University


Wednesday 16 November  2011

9.30 - 4.00

SRHE,  73 Collier Street,  London N1 9BE



The Ethics of Widening Participation Series



The aim to widen participation in higher education has been high on government agendas over the last 15 years. While there has been some increase in the proportion of students from under-represented groups, progress has been quite limited. Much of the activity around widening participation has been directed at those that do not participate and, while this is valuable and essential work, universities have been slow to change. Our third event in this series will explore how the core processes of higher education have continued to privilege some sectors of society  to the exclusion of others. The speakers will review some of the underlying social, economic and cultural factors that have framed university education and consider the implications of current policy on increasing access and offer some ideas for the future to open the debate with participants and more widely in the sector.


9.30        Registration and Coffee


9.50        Introduction   and Welcome

Professor Penny-Jane Burke,  Chair for  the morning session


10.00    An Ethical Approach to Management and Governance in Higher Education

Professor Peter Scott, Institute of Education , University of London


10.45     Curriculum, employability and knowledge:   what constitutes a 'good' degree?

Annette Hayton ,  Goldsmiths , University of London



11.30     Small group discussion and tea


12.15     Report back and plenary discussion


12. 4 5        Lunch


1. 25       Introduction

               Annette Hayton,  Chair for  the afternoon  session


1.30       The Student Experience

Professor  Penny -Jane Burke, Roehampton University


2.15        Black and Minority Ethnic Students Negotiating White 'norms' , Managing Exclusion: Ethical Challenges in Higher Education

                Gill Crozier, Roehampton  University


3.00        Small group discussion and tea


3.30        Report back and plenary discussion




Event booking details

To reserve a place at this seminar please register at or telephone +44 (0) 207 4472525.   SRHE events are open to all and free to SRHE members as part of their membership package. The delegate fee for non-members is £25 [full time students £20]. Non-members wishing to join the Society may do so at the time of registration and the delegate fee will be waived. Please note that places must be booked in advance and that a £25 for non-attendance will  be charged if a place has been reserved but no notice of cancellation/non-attendance has been given in advance.


Interested in joining the Network-but not able to attend this event? To receive details of future events in this series and to join the mailing list, please email



Yours sincerely



Francois Smit

Society for Research into Higher Education

44 Bedford Row

London WC1R 4LL

tel: +44 20 7447 2525

fax: +44 20 7447 2526


David Andrew,
Head of Academic Practice

The Learning Institute at Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End, London E1 4NS



 Book an appointment with me at

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