Tuesday 2 May 2017

FW: International Symposium on Pedagogic Frailty and Resilience


1st International Symposium on Pedagogic Frailty and Resilience

The University of Surrey

6th September 2017

For further information and access to the registration link:


The programme will include the following presentations:

“The Origins and Potential of Pedagogic Frailty”
Prof. Ian Kinchin, University of Surrey, UK.

“Safe Spaces or Strange Places?  Pedagogic Frailty and the Quality of Learning in Higher Education”
Prof. Ray Land, University of Durham, UK.

“Bend or Break? Dimensions of Intrapersonal and Organisational Resilience”
Dr. Naomi Winstone, University of Surrey, UK.

“Do No Harm: Risk Aversion versus Risk Management in the context of Pedagogic Frailty”
Dr. Julie Hulme, Keele University, UK.

“Profiling Pedagogic Frailty”
Prof. Paulo Correia, University of São Paulo, Brazil.

“Developing Online Resources to Support the Exploration of Pedagogic Frailty”
Miss Irina Niculescu, University of Surrey, UK.


This relates to a recently published book:

Kinchin, I.M. & Winstone, N.E (2017) Pedagogic Frailty and Resilience in the University. Rotterdam, Sense Publishers.  http://tinyurl.com/ly8y439



For further information contact Prof Ian Kinchin:  i.kinchin@surrey.ac.uk



Anesa Hosein

Lecturer in Higher Education

Department of Higher Education

10AD04, AD Building

University of Surrey




Tel: 0148-368-3759

Web: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/dhe/people/111125/index.htm

Twitter: anesa






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